Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Seven Sweet Somethings

I was recently tagged by one of my very best friends, Becky Kazana, who is living the life of an artist and blogger extraordinaire in the great open spaces of the American Southwest, to do a post sharing seven tidbits about myself. My Miss B is infinitely talented at artistry and did a splendid representational drawing of her seven silly somethings. I will spare you my attempts at drawing and take this opportunity to share some more photos with you. I love this idea, it has proved to be a most useful exercise in focusing on all the beauty and many positvities that we are always surrounded by, yet can so easily slip into the background. So here's to those profound little things that make life go round!
In no particular order....

1. Looking up to Tree Tops

2. Barefoot Beachcombing along the Oregon Coast

3. The Tree Swing at Mount Pisgah

4. Bishop Kisses (in moderation!)

5. Waterfalls You Can Walk Behind

6. Snow Days

7. Hiking On Top of the Clouds

So now it's your turn! I am tagging :
Mary Marie White
Scott and Miranda
Life with the Hermansons

Wilson Scott Daby

1 comment:

The Fab Miss B said...

So beautiful! I loved seeing this. Made my day.
