Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Down the Rabbit Hole

Today I have been feeling like Alice peering down the rabbit hole, with no way to imagine the world waiting for her on the other side.  Tomorrow Greg and I will jump right in and end up in a Wonderland of our own.  There is something truly surreal about knowing the date and time when your world is going to be launched into a whole new realm.  It's like traveling to a foreign country for the first time.  You can read all the books, pack everything perfectly, talk to people who have been there, but really there is nothing to prepare you for the experiences that await you.  You just go in with an open mind and a positive attitude and enjoy the ride!  
Okay, enough with the metaphors!  Greg and I are enjoying our last day before we take the big leap.  We slept in and started the day off with a trip to our favorite bakery and took a nice walk downtown.  The car is clean, the house is clean, the car seat is ready to rock, the bags are packed and we are just milking the remaining hours.
We are so excited to share all the details of our little one's arrival with you tomorrow.  In the mean time we appreciate the company as we all revel in anticipation of what is to come!

1 comment:

Door County Wedding Musicians said...

Use all the metaphors you want! We are all so proud of you both! Keep up the great work, get rest when you can, and know that you'll be great parents. Can't wait to see your family soon! - Lori, Aurelia and Ben