Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finding the Silver Lining

This past week has encompassed some amazing extremes.
I have been wanting to write much sooner, but I started my week on Monday morning by falling and landing on my wrist. I sprained it pretty good, I am still using two hands to brush my teeth and trying to cut veggies with my left hand (dangerous!). On the up side, Greg has had to do the dishes and sweeping for a little while!
Later Monday afternoon Mom and I went to Mount Pisgah for a nice long hike with Bishop. When we returned to the car we found that the driver's side window had been forced down into the door and my purse was stolen, literally adding insult to injury! While I still lost a couple hundred dollars, my bus pass, some baby gift certificates, my passport and more there is still a silver lining. Luckily I had left my cell phone and iPod at home! And since the perpetrator opted to force the window down into the door over smashing it in, the repairs were covered under our Toyota maintenance agreement! So there was no insurance claim and no need to turn our pockets inside out after they had been picked dry.

As I sat on the couch with my wrist on ice, canceling my credit cards and taking inventory of my losses, I had to laugh when Greg started playing the air violin for me from across the room. One of my favorite things about Greg is his innate ability to get me laughing when I'm on the verge of getting upset. It's really a fantastic alternative. There are of course, times when this tactic backfires, but this week it was just what I needed. It helps to be able to laugh at the comedy of errors we encounter. And it really is pretty funny to watch someone brush their teeth with two hands!

1 comment:

The Fab Miss B said...

Life is full of hilarity isn't it? I mean even the crappy stuff is funny afterward. Way to look on the bright side. xoxo