Thursday, January 8, 2009

Eight Days a Week

I think it was Einstein who theorized that time does not exist. With the passing of each moment the future becomes the past with a fluidity that hardly allows for the sustained enjoyment of the present. So we are spending this first week trying to harness all those moments that are gone before you realize they are here.
While our life with Norah began only eight days ago, time has already begun to fly. The hours of the days just slip away and melt into memories. It is a great accomplishment to send an email or take a shower. It has ben such a blessing to have mom here. Norah is loving this time with her grandma, who knows lots of tricks to keep her happy. She has been able to help Greg in appeasing the two princesses of the house. She actually brought me pancakes in bed the other day! And Greg has more than once spoon fed me so that I didn't have to stop feeding. So spoiled am I!
I am enjoying more mobility and less pain every day. We enjoyed our first full family walk to the market yesterday, even Bishop was along! Bishop thought that we brought Norah home just for him. He gets very concerned when she cries and gives her the sweetest little kisses when we let him.
Throughout this week we have looked forward to a wonderful home made dinner every night brought to our home by some of the amazing women from my blessing. Our fridge is positively busting at the seams with soups, casseroles, breads and even beer! We will be eating for weeks on this food. Mom has added her fair share of home made creations to the collection as well, namely the squash and spinach enchiladas that have become a culinary staple around here.
Greg is just the proudest papa and I have a feeling that our little Norah is a Daddy's girl at heart. She loves time in the rocker reading with Dad and likes to give him a run for his money at the changing table.
Our first week as a family has been a dream. If I could bottle time I would have filled cases with the moments I will treasure from this week.

Princess Numero Uno
Three Generations
Mornings that last all day...
The Family Unit
Big Brother Bishop at the ready.
Norah got to meet her cousins Jon, Shana and Wilson, who is just sixteen months ahead of her. Talk about time flying!

A moment to bottle.

Baby bright eyes

Daddy's girl

So fresh and so clean clean after her first bath.

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