Sunday, March 21, 2010

March Madness!

March has been a crazy busy month.  I finished yet another term of nursing school and did an internship on the cardiac floor at the hospital and still have a thread of sanity left to hang on to!  It is a relief to know that next term will be my last.  Our nuptial date is rapidly approaching and my to do list is rapidly growing, but somehow it's coming together, piece by piece.  Norah and I are going home for a quick spring break visit to Minnesota this week, she is so excited to show of  her new tricks to her far away fans!  Her latest highlights are an ever increasing vocabulary that now includes 'Up!', 'Appo' (apple), 'Wowa' (water), 'Dah' (down), and she can do the sign for 'cheese', her most favorite snack (it's in the genes!).  She likes to play ring around the rosey, go down slides, dance and spin, clap hands.  She can find her ears, her toes and her tummy.  She knows who daddy is, but much to my dismay she still doesn't say 'mama' or 'mommy' very often, although she is getting better. 

Here are some of the highlights of our March Madness....

 Norah has been exploring the neighborhood...
Finding new parks to play at like this one on Best Lane, 
it really is the best!
Playing in the sandbox at Hideaway Bakery...
Playing on the swings at Bertha Holt elementary
And of course, playing rule of the roost at home!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

She is quite the explorer! I love seeing the curiosity in her expressions!