Saturday, October 18, 2008

Meet Our Little Mystery!

Drum roll please!
And now introducing our little Mystery Meyer!
Our first glimpse of our little enigma was surreal to say the least. Greg and I went to the Women's Center of the RiverBend Pavilion on Thursday to have what we thought was going to be a traditional ultrasound photo session. To our surprise they were equipped with 3-D ultrasound technology. I had seen photos like these in books and on websites, but I never thought that we would be able to see such images of our own little Mystery Meyer!
At 29 weeks our little one is about the size of a butternut squash and weighs in at about two and a half pounds and is 15 inches from head to heel. As we discovered in our visit with our midwife last week, we can expect our little enigma to arrive around January 5th, which is a whole two weeks earlier than we were originally told! The sooner the better! We are hoping to meet the little one before the new year, to enjoy his or her company a little earlier....and to enjoy the child tax credit for the year of 2008!
The rest of the midwife appointment went really well. All vitals for mom and baby were just where they should be. Baby had a strong heart beat and was kicking like a champ. I am beginning to think that this child will have an affinity for soccer, although, I have a sneaking suspicion that every mother feels this way at some point. Needless to say, it was so great to be reassured that everything is as great and healthy as I have been feeling throughout this pregnancy. We can only hope that the little one will continue to be just as easy going when he or she makes his or her first appearance! I just can't wait to pinch those cheeks!

1 comment:

The Fab Miss B said...

So beautiful! I can't wait to pinch those cheeks my own self!