Sunday, October 26, 2008

Market Mamas

One of my favorite things about living in Eugene is the Saturday Market. It's a place where food, music, art and people come together once a week to showcase the fruits of their labors, both literally and metaphorically. There are only a few more markets before the arts and crafts move indoors for the Holiday Market and then after Christmas the long winter hibernation begins.
There is no substitute for market veggies. You can taste the labor of love and lack of truck time in every bite. I miss these spirit saving flavors during the rainy winter months, so I am getting there as often as I can to stock up on fresh fruit and veggies. I have a freezer full of fresh berries that give smoothie mornings a taste of the summer sun that will be priceless come this January.
This week I went with my friend Mary, who is expecting come this May. It was a beautiful fall day complete with colorful trees and seasonal snacks. We treated ourselves to fresh raspberries and apple cider and scored a few local treasures for ourselves, may favorite being a sweet succulent planted in a bowl made from Mount St Helen's ash. The asking price....$5! I love market days!

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