Monday, December 28, 2009

Snow Baby

We went outside to play in the snow and get a breath of fresh frozen air.  Emily and Stephen brought their dogs all the way from Cleaveland, and Norah was excited to keep some canine company, as Bishop was left in Oregon.  Norah was pulling her gloves off, so we zipped her up in a snow suit that made her look like a baby astronaut.  To everyone's amazement she was able to walk in the thing, it looked just like a baby moon landing!  It was rediculously cute, and while it wasn't her favorite, she certainly wasn't getting cold.

Nana Sue, its COLD!

Norah with her Fox Family: Conner, Jack and Lily.

The Meyer ladies all bundled up!

Frigid Family Fun!

Let it Snow!!!

One small step for Norah, one GIANT step for baby-kind!

Eskimo Babe.

Norah got her two front teeth for Christmas!

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