Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tagged Interview!

I was recently tagged by the fabulous Miss B to do a little interview.  So here is a fun window into this moment in time.
What are you wearing now?   Likely something with an elastic waistband!   

Do you nap a lot?   It's the key to my survival!

Who was the last person you hugged?   A redheaded papa bear

Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?  Again, anything with an elastic waistband

What's for dinner?   Burger and Brew at the Vintage (a homemade veggie burger with TWO pints for only $8!)

What was the last thing you bought?    Coffee, a bagle and a macaroon from the Hideaway Bakery.  

What are you listening to right now?   NPR podcast of This American Life.  I love Ira Glass.

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Be able to speak any language--flying would be a close second

What is your favorite weather, and why?  Sunny, who doesn't love the sun after five months of mostly rain?!

What time do you usually get up?  which time?

What is your most challenging goal right now?  Finishing nursing school and being mom of the year, all while staying sane and having a blast.

Say something to the person who tagged you:   You amaze and inspire me and I miss so much!  
Favorite Flower?  Whatever is in bloom and all around.  Right now it's Dogwood trees.
Favorite vacation spot?  Places I have been=Guatemala and  Switzerland    Places I want to go=New Zealand, Thailand, Peru  (It's impossible for me to pick just one!)
Name the things you cannot live without:  My two redheads, Greg and Norah
What movies can you watch over and over?
 Stardust, Stranger than Fiction, Elf, Joe Verses the Volcano

1 comment:

noah said...

You went to the vintage and didn't call us?! But, but, but, we like veggie burgers and beer, and the vintage is so close and I've never even been there and.... I'm a whiner. Everybody already knows that.