Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Say Cheese!

It has been a busy busy month! Norah is growing so fast! She is smiling, giggling and learning how to talk. She's quite the conversatioalist; her favorite word is 'Ni!'...Monty Python would Knight her for sure! She's also tough to beat in a staring contest, especially if you play by blinkig rules!

I finished my winter term yesterday and am officially on spring break! The sun even came out to make it feel official! It is so nice to wake up and not have anywhere to go. It was a crazy term, but I made it and will be back for more come April.

We are celebrating spring break by taking a trip to the coast with our friends and fellow Wisconsinites, Tegan and Noah. I am certifiably stir crazy and can't wait to breath that salty sea air!
Auntie Becca is also going to be visiting over spring break! Norah is so excited to meet her Auntie. She's been practicing her smiles and coos to impress her!

We recently got to make a trip up to Portland to meet Norah's cousin Isabella who was visiting from Minneapolis. Isabella is a month older than Norah; it's so fun to watch her grow and imagine all the new tricks that Norah will learn in just a month! Scott and Miranda gave us some wonderful bilingual books that we have been reading to Norah. She is going to have a solid background in Spanish, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology in no time!

Greg has been working hard and is trying to pick up some extra hours over the break. He has also been succeeding in his other profession - Disc Golf. The winter OLE (Oregon Liquid Environment) Series ended last weekend and Greg took home second in the Pro division for the whole series! Way to bring in some extra diaper money honey! Norah was at the awards and was already being propositioned with disc golf dates!

And last, and least, Bishop is doing well adjusting to his role as second fiddle. He is getting a little thick around the middle, making it hard for him to keep up with Greg when the get out. Greg is working on building a new mountain bike that should help Bishop get back into shape this summer. (Thanks for the tax break Norah!)

Thanks for your patience as I wrapped up the term! I have been itching to share these photos!

Our Gorgeous Goofy Girl
Mom's pretty funny.....looking!

Is that a dinosaur in your pocket or are you happy to see me?!

Haha! Guess what I just made for you Mom?!

Being so cute all the time will wear a girl out!

Norah at the OLE Disc Golf Awards.....
"I don't think I'm old enough to be here!"

One Happy Hippie Chick

As Norah grows so do her spit ups and diapers.....
we won't show you a picture of that...yet;)

Too cute for words...

Girl bonding time

Turn that frown upside down!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

She has so many great faces! I am counting down the days 'til I can get some of that sugar! Love you!