Friday, January 27, 2012

Norah's First Day of School

Norah has been growing in leaps and bounds lately!  It's so exciting to watch!  She is so interested in the world around her and is positively fearless and fascinated at any opportunity to interact with the world at large.  She loves meeting new people and trying new things.  Whether we are swimming, bouncing, hiking or eating out, she is drawn like a moth to a flame to other kids, walking right up and handing them one of the toys she invariably is toting around.  So we figured it's time to put those skills and interests to good use and ship her off to school.  So for three hours a day, two days a week Norah spends her time singing old songs I had nearly forgotten, practicing her number and letters and crafting up art projects that I have not been brave enough to attempt at home.  She calls her classmates "my kids", and the only time she ever gets upset is when we come to pick her up!  She has gotten good reports from her teachers in regard to listening and attention span.
I can't believe how much our little girl is growing up!  
And we couldn't be more proud!

Norah all geared up for her big day!

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