Sunday, November 28, 2010

Give Thanks

I have always liked that the cozy winter holidays begin on a note of gratitude.  The simple pause of taking a moment to reflect on the abundance of love and support that we have cultivated, the great gift of family and the comforts of shelter and security.  There is little that we truly need that we don't already have.  Thanksgiving reminds us to fill our hearts with all the warm goodness around us at a time when darkness and cold make it easy to get down.  As Christmas closes in we sometimes tend to focus on what we don't have, what we want.   And while I can rattle off a little list of Christmas wishes, the honest truth is that I need for nothing more than the amazing abundance that graces me every day.

We had a simple holiday, with our guests of honor: Carrie and Ben (aka. Mustard Seed and Swamp Donkey).  Greg hiked the Appalachian Trail with these two back in 2005, and by the most remarkable coincidence they ended up being close friends of Eric and Catherine when the lived in California.  Long story short, they ended up in our home for Thanksgiving this year.  It was quite the treat!

Eric and Catherine load up their plates with the most amazing spread I have seen.  We had lots of timeless Thanksgiving classics and some amazing new additions to the tradition!  And altogether entirely too much food!

One quick photo... and Let's Eat!

The pups were on their best behavior and quite thankful for leftovers!

Norah's after party with her pals, watching 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas' (and totally zoned out on Tofurky and stuffing).

Who doesn't want to watch the Grinch... the original that is narrated by none other than Boris Karloff!

We are so thankful for the blessings of wonderful friendship, family and mashed potatoes!
Thank you all for the blessing you give!

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