Sunday, September 26, 2010

Papa's Birthday Surprise!

To finish off our tour de la Midwest Becca, Norah and I flew in to Cincinnati, unbeknownst to Dad, and gave him a great surprise for his 'forty-second' birthday.  He was, in a word, clueless as to what the day had in store.  Debby had penetrated all levels of intelligence.  She had spies at his office, in the neighborhood and lots of help to tie up all the loose ends.  I think she missed her calling as a special ops agent!  The surprise took place in two stages:  Stage One was Becca, Norah and me, settled in on the back deck where we entertained him and distracted him while his friends and neighbors gathered in the front preparing for Stage Two, when they all marched around back singing 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow!'  Before he knew what happened there were tables set up, hours de vours out and wine and beer on ice.  Debby had prepared a feast to rival any Italian grandmother, followed by a decadent chocolate cake and some great gag gifts to open!  It was a wonderful celebration of a wonderful guy and an evening that we will all remember!
Happy Birthday Dad!


Norah loves her Auntie Becca!

Happy Birthday Papa!

A little family time in between surprises...

Surprise number two!  Debby had all of their closes friends 
assemble in front of the house and then come back 
all together while we were hanging out on the deck... 
distracting him from noticing the decorations hiding below!

Dad and Debby with their good friends Claire and Mary 
(who I could just put in my pocket she is so sweet!)

Wee!  Swingin' with Auntie Becca!

In all the excitement of the day, 
Norah was unable to settle down for a nap... 
this being the rather precious result!  
She is down for the count here!

I think we're missing a few candles!

Becca and I sang a special song for Dad's special day...
 we just wanted to get the story straight!

Here are some highlights of the rest of the weekend, 
which was wonderfully mellow and mostly spent reflecting on how great the party was!

Norah likes to draw circles on her new etch-a-sketch

Our sweet Norah Rose!

Playing on Papa and Didi's bed... 
her favorite place in the whole house!

Bear's all tucked in!

Playing Go-to-Bed with Debby

Set... Go!  

Playin in the pillows

Clapping after the 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'

Making a splash!

An early morning 'Good-bye'

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