Tuesday, August 18, 2009

N.O.R.A.H In Cincinnati

Norah and I recently had a wonderful visit in Cincinnati to see Grandpa Roy and finally meet Grandma Debby!  It was lots of fun, even Auntie Becca made it there for the weekend!  Norah showed off all her tricks, crawling all over the place and pulling herself up onto anything that got in her way... including a flight of stairs that she conquered in no time!  We also got to have a play date with the White ladies, Robin and her sweet little Mary, who we had not seen in quite a while!  Norah has proved to be a great little traveler and a stellar guest!  She loves getting in good grandparent bonding time!

Long time no see Gramps!
Norah in her first moments with her Grandma Debby!
Big Kisses from the White ladies!
Swinging good times!
Grandpa Roy does the airplane!
Proud Papa and his littlest joy
Fossil hunters!
Fossil of honeycomb coral
Norah gets her feet wet
Baby-wearing and Beach-combing on the Ohio River
Grandma and Grandpa!
Fossils taste funny!
The Johnston Generations
My Auntie Becca is the best!
Norah's "this is the coolest ever!!!" look!
Look who can crawl up the stairs!  
Norah with her eye on the prize!

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