Christmas with Gaga was just the beginning of our happy holidays! Norah's birthday and New Years still held many merry memories to enjoy! Gaga worked hard to refurnish our house while she was here... needless to say, she left her mark! Norah scored with a brand new big girl desk and a sweet storage shelf (to help make room for another little one... and get the toys out of the living room!!) It was a wonderfully mellow and memorable week! Norah had a wonderful birthday (in spite of catching a bit of a respiratory bug!) And Mom and I finished off the year with a performance of Carmen, our first proper opera experience!
Norah was a good helper at building her new bedroom furniture
Norah and Gaga play peek-a-boo on her new upside-down desk!
My girl.
We got out for a little hike in Oregon's liquid environment!!
Norah got a new organizing shelf for her birthday...
can you spy the little birthday girl peeking out?!
Norah started her birthday off at her favorite place in the world... Bounce!
With her good friend Mia!
Norah loves to catch some air!
Bouncing beauties!
Norah and Mia were a great team at opening presents!
Norah catches a ride in her baby's stroller!
Gaga was there with the assist to blow out three big girl candles!
Norah ate her cupcake like a good little puppy!

Silly girls