Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our Week with Gaga

We were so blessed to have Gaga here for our first week with Charlie... there is no greater help than your mom!  She kept Norah happily busy with fun projects like painting eggs and other masterpieces and creating yummy Eater treats!  It was easy to get used to having her around... and not so easy to say goodbye!

Easter eggs!

Charlie and I spent a lot of time on this couch!

Bird's nests!

Norah loves her little brother so much!

Big sister loves

Don't cha just wanna squish him!?

My little man!

Charlie's first outing to the park at five days old

Norah in her element!

Throwing rocks in the rio!

Fun for the whole family!

Quite the crew!

I love spring!

Looking for fairies!

Norah found her first Trillium of spring!

Swallowed whole!

Its a lot of work being a big sister!

Easter egg hunting in the back yard!

Indulging in her Easter bounty with her friend Elton!

Gaga and her grandies!

You lookin' at me?!

Grandma's hands


Gaga and her bright-eyed boy!

We miss you Gaga!

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