Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring Discin'

We took a family trip to the new disc golf course in Cottage Grove.  Norah and Greg go there a lot when I am sleeping during the day, so I was excited to get to play!  Norah and I had fun looking at all the spring flowers that are blooming everywhere!

Norah found a little Ivy fort, there was a bench inside and everything!

You know it's spring when the Trillium are in bloom!

Norah helped me pick some flowering sweet gum branches for the patio.

Discin' in the spring, nothin better!

Go Green!

Bishop's disc golf buddies, Deia and Finn

A rustic rest stop


Norah got so comfortable playing in the mud puddle, she thought she'd just take a seat!

This is what you do with sticks... right?!?
Watching the bumble bees buzz

Pretty girl, pretty flowers.

The nudie drive home after her mud puddle escapades!

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