Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Norah's World of FUN!

Norah is growing more and more every day!  After taking her first few steps a few weeks ago she is full on walking!  She can walk across the kitchen, into the living room and down the hall... all without stopping for a break!  She can stop and start, she can bend down and pick up a book and then walk away with it, she can turn around and when she gets really excited she does a little jig!  
She has also started saying "Hi!"  It's too soon to tell if she really knows that she's saying 'Hello' or if she is just good at repeating what we say, none the less, it is adorable and makes for some of the most enjoyable conversations I have ever had! 
Norah is at such a fun stage right now, I just can't say it enough.  Her personality is really beginning to shine.  She is outgoing, brave, resilient, determined and remarkably independent.  She's also quite the snuggle bug, she'll just melt into you and pause for a moment and then go back to whatever it was that she was doing.  We are just cherishing our every moment with her.  

1 comment:

julie said...

oops. meant to say that "hi" is too cute!