Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cool Days, School Days

The first week of nursing school is supposed to be a shock to the system, full of early mornings and late nights, lengthy reading lists, nerve wracking skills tests, and awkward role playing. Which in reality, is actually pretty right on, but there is solace in knowing that you are in the same boat as eighty other people, and that boat is on it's way to a guaranteed financially and socially rewarding career.
The class portion thus far is focused on the patient/nurse relationship. Learning to establish boundaries, increase awareness, maintain priorities. The lab/clinical portion is focused on taking and reading vital signs. We start our hospital rotations this coming week, which I am really looking forward to. We'll be taking blood pressures and temperatures, and checking pulse and respirations to start off with. My clinicals this term will be on the Mother/Baby unit at Riverbend, the new hospital, which I am excited about for obvious reasons! I get to be the guinea pig in the group, which I am actually looking forward to. We'll get to hear the baby's heart beat as we learn how to operate a doppplar microphone, a sound you can never hear too many times!
So after the first week my mood is positive and ready for the challenge. It's great to know that there will be a life long reward waiting at the end of this road.


Unknown said...

Oh Good! I was wondering when we would get the chance to talk about your experiences in school-I need to know what I am getting into. You are so beautiful and I love your proud maam belly! I am going to work on timing my Sundance visits just right so I can give you more hugs and finally met Greg! Jeeesh! lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove Julia
ps My goodness such a fine fine blog you have, neat pics and wonderful there anything you don't do well? poop!

The Fab Miss B said...

Congratulations on such an exciting new start. I wish I could be there to hear that baby's heartbeat!