Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's a Girl!

Hello bloggers, this is Greg, aka daddy, with his first attempt at blogging.  Drum roll please......... It's a chick!!  8:13 am, via c section, 6# 15 oz.  Cute!  Mom is good (and stoned on morphine) that's why I'm blogging.  We got nice chocolate and flowers from grandma and gimpa.  I was recently informed that baby had a "really nice" wet diaper.  That's right the nurse changed it!  However I did change one, so take it easy, MOM.  I've got a big box of cigars so I'll be labeling them and sending out in order of nicest baby gifts.  Only kidding!  We look forward to talking to y'all.  We're also working on names.  Anywho, I'll attach some photos here and then I get to hold the baby!  The photos are in order of appearance our friend and former roommate katie, next is our friend and my former coworker Magda, then yours truly and mommy sarah, last but not least is the first time grandma Martha

A Good Day to be Born

New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights. 
-Hamilton Wright Mabie

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Down the Rabbit Hole

Today I have been feeling like Alice peering down the rabbit hole, with no way to imagine the world waiting for her on the other side.  Tomorrow Greg and I will jump right in and end up in a Wonderland of our own.  There is something truly surreal about knowing the date and time when your world is going to be launched into a whole new realm.  It's like traveling to a foreign country for the first time.  You can read all the books, pack everything perfectly, talk to people who have been there, but really there is nothing to prepare you for the experiences that await you.  You just go in with an open mind and a positive attitude and enjoy the ride!  
Okay, enough with the metaphors!  Greg and I are enjoying our last day before we take the big leap.  We slept in and started the day off with a trip to our favorite bakery and took a nice walk downtown.  The car is clean, the house is clean, the car seat is ready to rock, the bags are packed and we are just milking the remaining hours.
We are so excited to share all the details of our little one's arrival with you tomorrow.  In the mean time we appreciate the company as we all revel in anticipation of what is to come!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Warm holiday wishes to all of you far off folk!
Greg and I enjoyed a mellow morning of gourmet pancakes and some simple stocking suffers.  Greg, sporting some Wisconsin pride (thanks Mike for that gem!), was pretty excited to open some baby goodies from Sean and you can see.  The afternoon brought a trip to the disc golf course followed by a fabulous food filled evening.
Greg and I got cozy in the kitchen and prepared my dear friend Tarrah's amazing recipe for a Curried Vegetable Pie for dinner and Gingerbread for desert. We spent the rest of the evening in a heated game of sheepshead with some fellow Midwestern transplants, Sean, Kelsey and Scott. Greg, of course, came out on top and is now going to try to continue his winning streak in a late night game of poker.  It was a great holiday and while we weren't sad to miss the twelve degree weather in Wisconsin, we sure did miss all the warm family gatherings.  

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Christmas Poem

My Ai Chi instructor, Patty, shared this poem with me.
It captures the story of Christmas, which is really a story of birth, just beautifully.


No man reaches where the moon touches a woman.
Even the moon leaves her when she opens
Deeper into the ripple in her womb
That encircles dark to become flesh and bone.

Someone is coming ashore inside her.
A face deciphers itself from water
And she curves around the gathering wave,
Opening to offer the life it craves.

In a corner stall of pilgrim strangers,
She falls and heaves, holding a tide of tears.
A red wire of pain feeds through every vein
Until night unweaves and the child reaches dawn.

Outside each other now, she sees him first
Flesh of her flesh, her dreamt son safe on earth.

John O”Donahue

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Home Stretch!

We had our last visit with the midwives today and everything went well.  At thirty-eight and a half weeks Baby is still happy, with a strong heartbeat and is doing lots of calisthenics.  And I am not growing or gaining as much these days, measuring 36 1/2 cm.  While I can not imagine being any bigger, I must say that I am pretty comfortable.  I can still put my own socks on and I can even touch my toes!  
We are looking forward to Mom's arrival next Tuesday. One benefit of knowing when the baby is coming is that it allows Mom's arrival to be perfectly timed! We get to keep her for ten whole days and may not let her go!
As Greg and I enter our last week of being a just a couple we are enjoying and savoring every moment, yet they somehow manage to fly by.  Our list of things to do before baby comes seems impossibly short. So we are taking naps and sleeping in and watching movies and eating out. All things that will be but fond memories in a matter of weeks!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Our Visit with the Doc

Today Greg and I met with our new obstetrician, Dr. Paul Qualtere-Burcher, aka Dr. QB.  He is a great doc and Greg and I like him very much.  He listened to our list of questions and requests for the birth with an open mind and was very receptive to them.  He is very empathetic to my desire of having an experience that feels like a birth, not a surgery.   We are going to bring in some music to listen to during the birth, my friend Allison Zopel's CD, Music from Within.  If I am feeling brave I can ask for the curtain to be lowered as the baby is born.  Greg will be able to make the gender announcement of our little boy or girl, a delicious moment I cannot wait for!   And if baby and I are doing well then Greg and baby will be able to stay with me as I am getting sutured up.
It has been such a blessing to be able to take the time to adjust to the idea of a cesarean birth and be able to look at it in a positive light.  I fully believe that the energy and expectation that I bring with me will determine our birth experience.  And just because we didn't plan for this doesn't mean that it is any less beautiful and amazing.  We are just so excited to meet our little one and begin our adventures as a family. 

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thank You

I want to thank you all so much for the support that you have given me and Greg throughout this time of transition and letting go, by which I mean the whole pregnancy, really, and especially the past couple of weeks.  We are getting very excited to meet the little one, and are finding ourselves less concerned with the means to this beautiful end.  
Greg has been so supportive and is helping me to find and focus on the many positives that we have to look forward to.  And I feel all of the thoughts and prayers from everyone back home and far away with me everyday.  
I am also blessed to have a community of incredible healing women supporting me through this change in plans.  In a reiki session with my amazing friend, Julia, I was able to see that the baby is trying to move, and perhaps is not the little rebel I had thought it to be.  Then yesterday I met with my naturopath, Rachel, for a cranio-sacral session, after which I found myself putting a lot more trust and faith in the baby to know what it needs to do.  
Initially I was more concerned with trusting my body to know what to do during labor.  Now I am finding myself placing this trust in the baby to know where it needs to be.  My birth plan now is simply to have a beautiful birth and savor every moment, even the ones I didn't plan on.


One of the last places a pregnant woman feels comfortable is a bar. I have to imagine that even those who allow themselves to drink wouldn't want to do it in a bar. People just look at you with that I-sure-hope-someone-from-child-services-sees-this-and-busts-her-right-here look. There is, however, one glorious exception: Sam Bond's Garage. Sam Bond's has a cozy classic cabin feel and attracts the laid back alternative cool cats of Eugene, which suffers from an overabundance of frat-boy meat markets. In short, Sam Bond's is, well, a 'hippie' bar. Full of friendly faces, local beer, organic food and funtastic theme nights. The best nights to visit Sam Bond's are Monday, for free and feisty Bingo Night and Tuesday for the free Bluegrass Jam.
After a seven month hiatus from my favorite local watering hole, I finally managed to stay up past nine o'clock and make it to a Bingo night. It was a couple weeks ago, the day I took my final for nursing school (which I got an A on!!) and the last day of the birthing classes that Greg and I have been taking. Greg and I got there after they had started the first round and were greeted by many familiar faces and not a single sideways glance at the belly. As we sunk down into the split log benches and pulled a pile of pennies toward our bingo cards I noticed that the art on the walls was affirming my appearance in this bar scene.
Local Eugene Artist, Claire Flint's 'Femme Fertile' exhibit was on display. This exhibit features a series of sultry and seductive pregnant nudes, each painting measure about three feet wide by five feet high and added a sexy maternal mood to the atmosphere.
I felt right at home with my glass of water, oversized slice of pizza and big pregnant belly.
Greg and I were further affirmed when Greg won an all-too-appropriate prize in a game of Bingo.  The Bingo prizes at Sam Bond's are legend.  They are inspired by the outdated, often useless trinkets and gadgets that are live on the shelves of the 'miscellaneous' isles in the local Goodwill. From commemorative collector's plates, to hands-free potato peelers, to VHS Richard Simmons workouts, I have to  imagine that the prizes often times end up from whence they came.  This, however, does not diminish the satisfaction of winning said prize.  When Greg walked up on stage to claim his infamous prize he had to play a game of rock-paper-scissors to settle a suspenseful tie-breaker, which thanks to his superior strategy he was able to dominate after another nail-biting tie.  The hosts of Bingo handed Greg his prize: an eighties romance novel entitled (this is the best part) Pregnant by a Millionaire!  Greg whispered to the hosts that his fiancĂ© was pregnant and gestured toward where I was sitting.
I gave the belly a little rub as they announced it to the bar, which responded in resounding applause.  I like to think that this is an omen that Greg is on his way to being a millionaire.
The book now bears a proud spot on our book shelf and perhaps one day it will be passed about another thirty years when the child is old enough!  Until then it will likely collect it's fair share of dust as we will be preoccupied with Dr. Seuss and Beatrix Potter for the next few years.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Best Laid Plans

I am not a planner. My idea of a five year plan has been to 'get a degree' and that plan has taken me nine years so far and is still under way. The problem with plans is that you become attached to them. You get this false sense of control over them, when really life does not grant us this kind of control. And what fun would it be if it did?! All of the suspense and surprise that comes from embracing the unknown would be lost....Bo-ring! For me the journey has always been the destination. It's not where you go, but how you get there. And my while my journey has not stayed an obvious steady course, it has lead me to some pretty amazing destinations.
However, in the past couple of years I have begun to get in touch with my inner planner, trying to take a little more control over the course I am charting. At this the universe just laughs and reminds me to maintain a sense of non attachment to my precious plans.

As you may have deduced by now, the external version yesterday was not able to coerce this child into the launch position. The physical strength and medical experience of a surgeon and a midwife were not able to budge the baby past the transverse position. I have known from the beginning that this was a determined child who was not the least bit concerned with my plans, so really I have no cause to be surprised. And, honestly, I am not surprised.

I have done everything in my power to influence the position our little independent enigma. I have spent the past two weeks with my chin on the floor and my butt in the air in an attempt to get the baby's head to 'float' up into my pelvis (due to the greater air space in the head as opposed to the butt). I have been swimming, which is far more enjoyable, but still slightly socially awkward. Just imagine a very pregnant lady waddling into the pool and then proceeding to do a series of hand stands, continually diving down and throwing her legs up in the air. "The baby's upside down" I say to those that can't help but stare. I have taken to carrying my iPod around with my with the earpieces stuffed into my panties, hoping that the calming cello concertos of Yo Yo Ma will coax draw the baby downward. I stack ice packs on my belly to try to give the baby a brain freeze that will make diving down to warmer waters more appealing. I have been seeing my acupuncturist who can get the baby to move by poking a needle into the outside of my little toes and wiggling it around. Greg and I did a guided meditation with my naturopath and have been talking to the baby, telling him or her all the the reasons why he or she should turn.

All to no avail.
So I am not surprised that this baby's will is stronger than that of the two doctors who tried to force him or her to move yesterday. But I am still having a hard time letting go of the birth plan that Greg and I have been imagining for the past eight months. While they say there is still a chance that the baby may turn, as he or she has not yet completely descended into my pelvis, the next step after a failed version is to schedule a C-section. So we can all look forward to New Year's Eve, when we will be able to meet this little rebel. Talk about planning!

In opening myself up to the complete surrender of our birth plan, I can not help but feel a loss. Now I know that not every woman looks forward to the pain of labor and natural birth, but I was really looking forward to seeing what my body can do. It's like training for a marathon for eight months and then when the time comes to run the race they tell you that you won't be running, you'll be taken directly to the finish line. And when everyone crosses the finish line all ragged and exhausted they tell you how lucky you are for escaping the blisters, joint pain, and paralyzing exhaustion. But you would have given anything to lose count of the blisters on your feet, to puke at mile 23 and still make it to the finish, to feel that runner's high. So right now I am feeling a little cheated and a little sad, feelings which I know will melt away the moment I get to meet our little enigma.

In spite of all of this the optimist in me is still alive and well. And while I prepare for this new birth plan I will still hold out hope for the baby to change his or her mind and surprise us all by turning at the last minute. No matter how it ends up, Greg and I are getting our first lesson in parenting. Learning that no matter what we plan or dream for our child, they are the ones in control. So we get to learn early the never ending lesson of letting go and learning to accept the decisions that your children make.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Holy Heartburn!

So I really can't complain.  I have had a wonderful, even enjoyable pregnancy and still consider myself to be profoundly blessed.  But I have finally been fed my dose of reality these past few weeks.  Baby is still breech, which apparently has its side effects, namely indigestion.  I now know that I have never had true indigestion before.  Even the thought of food makes my chest burn.  Motivating myself to spend extended periods of time in inverted positions has been increasingly difficult, especially when the baby seems to just nestle his or her self further into my rib cage.  A couple of nights ago I could not sleep for the life of me.  Every toss and turn came with a burning belch (also causing Greg to sacrifice a couple of Zs).  I decided that if I did not get to sleep that I would get myself to the Seven Eleven and purchase some Tums.  It wasn't until I dreamed that I went to an all night pharmacy to get prescription strength Tums that I finally fell asleep.  Later that day my dream came true and with the help of calcium carbonate and aloe vera juice I am finding myself more motivated for inversions and acidic indulgences.
In other news, our little enigma is already showing signs of independence and is keeping his or her head up.  We have an external version scheduled for this Wednesday morning.  So keep thinking thoughts and praying prayers of a baby turning.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Seven Sweet Somethings

I was recently tagged by one of my very best friends, Becky Kazana, who is living the life of an artist and blogger extraordinaire in the great open spaces of the American Southwest, to do a post sharing seven tidbits about myself. My Miss B is infinitely talented at artistry and did a splendid representational drawing of her seven silly somethings. I will spare you my attempts at drawing and take this opportunity to share some more photos with you. I love this idea, it has proved to be a most useful exercise in focusing on all the beauty and many positvities that we are always surrounded by, yet can so easily slip into the background. So here's to those profound little things that make life go round!
In no particular order....

1. Looking up to Tree Tops

2. Barefoot Beachcombing along the Oregon Coast

3. The Tree Swing at Mount Pisgah

4. Bishop Kisses (in moderation!)

5. Waterfalls You Can Walk Behind

6. Snow Days

7. Hiking On Top of the Clouds

So now it's your turn! I am tagging :
Mary Marie White
Scott and Miranda
Life with the Hermansons

Wilson Scott Daby

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Turn Baby Turn!

At our midwife appointment this week we had an ultrasound confirm that our little one is upside down. At thirty-six weeks we really want baby to be head down in the launching position. With this news I have had to open myself up to the reality of a not-so-natural delivery. A thought that I am having a hard time warming up to.
Before our ultrasound next week we will be indulging any and every tactic to coerce the baby to turn. There are many activities believed to help a baby to turn. Both Greg and I have been talking to it, telling it how much more comfortable it will be head down. I have been visualizing the baby turning and singing it the song 'Turn Turn Turn' by the Byrds. I am going to try to spend more time in the pool this week after school is done. And every day I try to stand on my head when the baby is most active, which usually ends me up in some altered inversion involving lots of pillows and agitated indigestion. Again, not a stretch to find the humor there!
We are considering this our first lesson in parenting, the first of many times when our plans for our child will not influence actual reality. Although we are still holding out hope for a little sway in this situation.
Perhaps you can all send topsy turvy thougts and prayers to the baby while you enjoy this classic easy listening oldie.

Finding the Silver Lining

This past week has encompassed some amazing extremes.
I have been wanting to write much sooner, but I started my week on Monday morning by falling and landing on my wrist. I sprained it pretty good, I am still using two hands to brush my teeth and trying to cut veggies with my left hand (dangerous!). On the up side, Greg has had to do the dishes and sweeping for a little while!
Later Monday afternoon Mom and I went to Mount Pisgah for a nice long hike with Bishop. When we returned to the car we found that the driver's side window had been forced down into the door and my purse was stolen, literally adding insult to injury! While I still lost a couple hundred dollars, my bus pass, some baby gift certificates, my passport and more there is still a silver lining. Luckily I had left my cell phone and iPod at home! And since the perpetrator opted to force the window down into the door over smashing it in, the repairs were covered under our Toyota maintenance agreement! So there was no insurance claim and no need to turn our pockets inside out after they had been picked dry.

As I sat on the couch with my wrist on ice, canceling my credit cards and taking inventory of my losses, I had to laugh when Greg started playing the air violin for me from across the room. One of my favorite things about Greg is his innate ability to get me laughing when I'm on the verge of getting upset. It's really a fantastic alternative. There are of course, times when this tactic backfires, but this week it was just what I needed. It helps to be able to laugh at the comedy of errors we encounter. And it really is pretty funny to watch someone brush their teeth with two hands!

Truly Blessed

There are times when it is easy to forget how blessed we really are, and this past Sunday I was reminded in a truly unforgettable way. My Eugene sisters, Katie and Magda, organized a blessing way that brought together women from all the different realms of my life. I am surrounded by some of the most intuitive and inspiring women imaginable and having them all in the same room together was just magical! The blessings that were shared during the bead ceremony will be with me forever. After absorbing all of their faith and support I felt a strength and love that is yet unparalleled. Having Mom there made the whole day even more magical.  Many thanks to those who were there in person and in spirit.
In the kitchen with Katie!

Passing the string around the circle to connect us all.
Afterwards we all cut a string to tie around our wrists to remind us of the new baby coming!

All of our hands together with our reminders tied on.
Bishop thought that all of these hands were reached out to pet him and give him blessings!

My cake eating grin!
This creation was a four layer chocolate cake with raspberry compote on top, espresso infused cream in the middle and vanilla frosting around the outside! Purely decadent!
Thanks Magda!

The perfect day to share with Mom!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Grandma's First Visit

I have been counting down the days till Mom gets here and yesterday she finally arrived. I worked hard to get all of my school work done for the last week of the term, so all I have to do while she is here is show up to class. We started her Oregon adventure off by stopping in to share in the 'day after daze' with the Daby's. It was a wonderfully lazy afternoon with nothing on the agenda but lounging over leftovers and finishing off the holiday spirits! It was quite a treat to be able to enjoy the first photos of Scott and Miranda's new little girl, Isabella Christine.
We picked up the pace when we got to Eugene and hunted down local treasures at the holiday market, picked up tye-dying supplies and wine for the blessing tomorrow and had a cozy family dinner at Katie's place.
We even found time for a couple of belly photo ops in the fancy new outfit Mom brought out for me. Today is the first day of week thirty-five...just over a month to go!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Old Wives Tales

Before the days of ultrasounds many couples looked to cultural myths to try to help them solve the boy--girl question. And while Greg and I are quite content not knowing whether our little bundle will wear pink or blue, it's still fun to indulge the old wives tales.

The first one I heard is if you carry low you are having a boy and if you carry high you are having a girl.
My baby belly feels pretty centered, maybe on the low side. All I know is I can still touch my toes even though I can't see them when I'm standing.

The 'Pendulum Test' says that you take your wedding ring and tie it to the end of a string and let it swing over the baby belly. If it swings back and forth it's a boy, if it swings in a circle it's a girl.
Our pendulum swung back and forth.

They say the more morning sickness you have the more likely you are to have a girl. Although my lucky mother had two healthy girls and was never sick....hmmmm. I was happy to find that she passed those genes on to me!

There is also a myth that looks to the father's belly for the answer to the boy girl question. If dad packs on pounds during the pregnancy, then you are having a girl, if he doesn't gain a thing you're having a boy.
In spite of the constant supply of ice cream and weekly pizza indulgence, Greg still has the metabolism of a fifteen year old boy and is as fit as ever.

My naturopath told me that if your linea nigra (the line running down your belly) starts below your belly button you are having a boy, if it starts above, you are having a girl.
As of right now, I only have a line below my belly button.

The only myth that is close to having some kind of scientific backing says that if your baby's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute it's a boy and if it's over 140 bpm it's a girl. Our baby's heart rate is usually right around 150 bpm.

Finally there are those that say that your intuition can often predict the gender of the baby, in which case we will have a boy. It's fun to apply these myths to our personal experience of pregnancy, but overall, I love not knowing. This is the only time in life that we will get to know a being outside the bounds of gender roles. I know it makes shopping for showers more difficult, but it will all be worth it when we get to make that announcement after he or she is born.

So now you decide. I am adding a poll to see who thinks it's a boy and who thinks its a girl. We'll see the strength of these old wives tales in about six weeks!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Diaper Duty

I have a confession to make. I know that many women fear the actual labor of their child, as they open up their minds and bodies to encompass a pain that is beyond the realm of language. But the thought that I can't get my head around right now is, well, diapers.
Greg and I have done a lot of research on the great debate of cloth verses disposable diapers. There is evidence that equates the environmental impact of both options, saying that cloth diapers are not necessarily as 'green' as once thought due to the water use from continual laundering. So we looked to factors outside of the environmental footprint. While disposable diapers have made some progress in becoming more biodegradable, cloth diapers would allow us to contribute to local business, purchase used materials and maintain a greater influence over the type materials that we use. So we decided on cloth diapers and I promptly set out to find gently used materials on craigslist.
As it turns out there are many different styles and schools of cloth diapering. I knew that I was in over my head when I got a lot of diaper duds that was complete with diaper pins! I sat wide-eyed with the diaper pins in one hand and a cloth diaper in the other, trying to imagine how they went together. I began wishing that there was a Diapering 101 class to compliment the labor and breastfeeding classes we are taking. Every mother that I got diapers from was more than happy to give me a brief tutorial on their style of diapering that ultimately ended up making my head spin.
Eventually Greg and I found ourselves at my favorite local baby shop, Bambini. Where Shannon, the beautiful owner, sat me down for Diapering 101. She gave me the run down on sizing and materials for prefold diapers, diaper covers, pocket diapers and "g" diapers. In anticipation of our upcoming busy schedule we were looking for the simplest approach, which ended up being pocket diapers. There is even a brand, Happy Heinys, that makes diapers that are one size fits forever!
I was able to breath a deep sigh of relief at having the mess of diaper details simplified for me. And Greg was able to breath a sigh of relief when Shannon told us that we could sell any diapering materials that we weren't planning on using to her store and explicitly told me not to buy any more, but just to have fun and register.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Finally Furnished!

After a couple months of compulsively checking craigslist and running around town fetching gently used furniture, the nursery finally looks like a nursery! As I eluded to in a previous posting, craigslist has become a way of life for me. I probably check it twice a day. There is a plethora of baby gear from cribs to clothes to carriers that make the goal of green parenting even more affordable and attainable. I have found great deals not only on furniture, but on the other major baby investment, diapers.
The prenatal purchases I have made from craigslist have served to expand my sense of connection to the local community of mothers and families. With every exchange I meet a new mother with new insight and inspiration about parenthood and connecting with other like-minded parents. So not only am I getting a great deal on used furniture, but I am meeting hip mamas who approach family life from a fresh perspective. This sense of community has been a great comfort to me, as Greg and I are among the first of our friends to begin the transition from a couple to a family.
So while I plan on continuing to indulge my craigslist habit throughout the years to come, for the time being I am cut off from more baby purchases until after the showers and baby blessings....not that that stops me from checking the new postings!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Father-Daughter Day

As my last trimester unfolds I am finding that there are more moments that I wish I could share with family and friends who are so far away. They are mostly just the subtle, everyday moments, feeling the baby kick, having an oversized ice cream sundae, taking Bishop to Mount Pisgah, assembling the crib and folding tiny baby clothes.
Yesterday, I finally got to share some moments with Dad, who was up here doing business in the Salem area. We got together for a great dinner at the McMenamin's brew pub, followed by the most incredible pumpkin crisp...ala mode, of course! The baby showed off it's kung fu kicks for his Grandpa. Dad shared some family folklore that will no doubt make its way into infammy as the stories are told over and over again for little ones trying to draw out their bed time story hour. I wish that dinner with Dad could have lasted a week, and not just because of the ice cream! There is no replacement for the love and support of family.
It was such a treat to see you Dad! Just think, the next time we see eachother, you will be a Grandpa! Crazy!
Love to you all who are so far away yet in our thoughts every day!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Big 3-0

Yesterday the belly turned thirty weeks! For you math majors out there that means we are 3/4 of the way there! Time is just flying by. I thought I would honor this little milestone by divulging a few of our mother-baby statistics.

Belly size: 30 cm top to bottom
Weight gain: 20lbs
Baby's approximate weight: 3lbs
Favorite Activities: Hiking and Yoga
Ice Cream: Daily
Remaining Vice: Occasional Caffeine
Cleaning: Compulsive
Craigslist: 12 step program
Craving: Indian Food
Warm Fuzzy: Baby kicks
Gripe: Indigestion and RLS
Love: Prenatal vitamins affect on hair
Miss: Hot tubs
Conundrum: Baby name
Preferred Pamper: Raindrop Therapy

Much to my surprise I am loving just about everything about being pregnant, even the growing belly is feeling great! (Although, you should never tell a pregnant woman she is "Huge", tell her she's "All belly and looks great!" It's just better for all involved.) It's impossible not to feel remarkable and amazing as you witness the crazy things your body is capable of, plus I have never been able to get Greg to rub my feet this much!

Market Mamas

One of my favorite things about living in Eugene is the Saturday Market. It's a place where food, music, art and people come together once a week to showcase the fruits of their labors, both literally and metaphorically. There are only a few more markets before the arts and crafts move indoors for the Holiday Market and then after Christmas the long winter hibernation begins.
There is no substitute for market veggies. You can taste the labor of love and lack of truck time in every bite. I miss these spirit saving flavors during the rainy winter months, so I am getting there as often as I can to stock up on fresh fruit and veggies. I have a freezer full of fresh berries that give smoothie mornings a taste of the summer sun that will be priceless come this January.
This week I went with my friend Mary, who is expecting come this May. It was a beautiful fall day complete with colorful trees and seasonal snacks. We treated ourselves to fresh raspberries and apple cider and scored a few local treasures for ourselves, may favorite being a sweet succulent planted in a bowl made from Mount St Helen's ash. The asking price....$5! I love market days!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Meet Our Little Mystery!

Drum roll please!
And now introducing our little Mystery Meyer!
Our first glimpse of our little enigma was surreal to say the least. Greg and I went to the Women's Center of the RiverBend Pavilion on Thursday to have what we thought was going to be a traditional ultrasound photo session. To our surprise they were equipped with 3-D ultrasound technology. I had seen photos like these in books and on websites, but I never thought that we would be able to see such images of our own little Mystery Meyer!
At 29 weeks our little one is about the size of a butternut squash and weighs in at about two and a half pounds and is 15 inches from head to heel. As we discovered in our visit with our midwife last week, we can expect our little enigma to arrive around January 5th, which is a whole two weeks earlier than we were originally told! The sooner the better! We are hoping to meet the little one before the new year, to enjoy his or her company a little earlier....and to enjoy the child tax credit for the year of 2008!
The rest of the midwife appointment went really well. All vitals for mom and baby were just where they should be. Baby had a strong heart beat and was kicking like a champ. I am beginning to think that this child will have an affinity for soccer, although, I have a sneaking suspicion that every mother feels this way at some point. Needless to say, it was so great to be reassured that everything is as great and healthy as I have been feeling throughout this pregnancy. We can only hope that the little one will continue to be just as easy going when he or she makes his or her first appearance! I just can't wait to pinch those cheeks!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


As we greet the spirit of change that is brought on by the crisp fall weather Greg and I have found ourselves enjoying many new changes in our own lives. Greg and I have both been recently introduced to the new Sacred Heart Hospital, RiverBend, which is a beautiful facility that feels more like a Marriott hotel than a hospital. Greg will assume the title of 'Family Breadwinner' as he starts his new position in the Emergency Department at RiverBend this week. Last week I began my clinicals on the Mother Baby floor at RiverBend, where I am getting a sneak peak into what's to come.
Meanwhile, the bump has officially graduated to a belly over the past month. At 28 weeks everything is going swimmingly. Greg and I met with our midwife on Monday at the PeaceHealth Nurse Midwifery Birth Center. There is a team of five midwives; we will meet with them all over the course of our prenatal care and one of them will be there throughout the delivery. They also have a certified lactation specialist on staff that will visit us every week when the baby is born.
The birth center space is very comfortable and homey, it's actually in a house. There are two birthing rooms, a kitchen and a bath with a claw foot tub on the second floor and a prenatal visit room downstairs complete with an ultrasound. For those of you whose ears perk up at the word 'ultrasound', yes, we are getting an ultrasound. We will get our first glimpse of our little enigma tomorrow morning and will share that with all of you as soon as possible!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cool Days, School Days

The first week of nursing school is supposed to be a shock to the system, full of early mornings and late nights, lengthy reading lists, nerve wracking skills tests, and awkward role playing. Which in reality, is actually pretty right on, but there is solace in knowing that you are in the same boat as eighty other people, and that boat is on it's way to a guaranteed financially and socially rewarding career.
The class portion thus far is focused on the patient/nurse relationship. Learning to establish boundaries, increase awareness, maintain priorities. The lab/clinical portion is focused on taking and reading vital signs. We start our hospital rotations this coming week, which I am really looking forward to. We'll be taking blood pressures and temperatures, and checking pulse and respirations to start off with. My clinicals this term will be on the Mother/Baby unit at Riverbend, the new hospital, which I am excited about for obvious reasons! I get to be the guinea pig in the group, which I am actually looking forward to. We'll get to hear the baby's heart beat as we learn how to operate a doppplar microphone, a sound you can never hear too many times!
So after the first week my mood is positive and ready for the challenge. It's great to know that there will be a life long reward waiting at the end of this road.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Feathering the Nest

I have read about the nesting instinct this summer while we were on the road and unable to acquire all of the necessities and niceties of novice parenthood. Once we got back to Eugene I was perusing the local Craigslist 'Baby and Kids' adds before I had my bags unpacked. Our wonderful roommate, Katie, will be moving out at the end of the month and we will then begin converting her room to a nursery....a project that has been completed time and time again in my imagination from the paint to the nick knacks.

This week Greg and I made our first big baby purchase...we traded out our papasan chair for a gliding rocking chair! I have had my heart set on a rocker since the moment I ploped down into the glider at the Meyer household. You don't need a baby to fall in love with this rocker, it's already getting good use!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Celebrating Eugene

One weekend a year the people of Eugene barricade the main drags in town and showcase their local flavors at the annual Eugene Celebration. The local food shatters the image of any stereotypical fair food: from marinated tempeh over veggies to organic muffins and hand dipped chocolate bananas. Microbreweries and local wineries tempt the will power of all those possessing a valid driver's license. A broad pallet of local music fills the air from four open air stages and five indoor venues. Jazz, Blues, Punk, Bluegrass, Rock, Hip Hop, Folk. Local vendors offering everything from local threads and jewelery to massage and reiki. It bears a strong resemblence to our beloved Saturday Market, it's just a lot bigger......and there's a parade! My neighbor, Lindsey, and I went down to the market in search of the season's last offerings of berries and were able to enjoy the parade from beginning to end.
Belly Dancers, a Magic School Bus, a Marching Drum Circle, Tae Kwan-Do Tikes and Presidential candidate look-alikes, all followed by the newly crowned Slug Queen, who would give Santa Clause a run for his money in any parade. It was truly a celebration of all things Eugene. The pride of the people and their politics, their creativity, their diversity and their ingenuity were in full display for three sun-filled days. It was fun to imagine next year's celebration and introducing our little one to such a vibrant community of unabashedly colorful locals.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Magda and I went out in search of Chanterelle mushrooms yesterday, however due to the late summer, the season will likely be late too. They like it cool and wet and it has been hot and dry. But you won't catch me complaining about a prolonged summer! We took the opportunity to spend some time by the water and soak up some sun while our canine companions ran amok. It was little Brewer's first time off leash in the wilderness and he did great! Here are some highlights of our adventures, plus a sneak peak at the not-so-elusive belly!