As Greg and I embark on our adventures in parenthood and marriage over the next few years, this blog will allow us to share the highlights and headlines with all of our family and friends that are so far away, yet so close to our hearts.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Feathering the Nest
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Celebrating Eugene
Belly Dancers, a Magic School Bus, a Marching Drum Circle, Tae Kwan-Do Tikes and Presidential candidate look-alikes,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Dog Days of Summer
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Team Building Exercise '99
It was great to be reminded of my own power over my life. These are things that I have always felt inside of myself and after this seminar I feel them even more strongly. We played many games that allowed us to forget our protective boundaries for a day and just laugh and be with eachother as friends. We worked our way from a simple game of touch tag, to a blindfolded maze, to a low ropes course balancing act, to climbing to the top of a twenty-five foot pole, standing on top of it and then jumping out into midair to ring a bell....quite the progression!
Go Prego GO!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back to the Grind
I went back to work at A Healing Space today for a team building seminar that will continue into tomorrow. I will then swing into a regular super-part-time schedule in the near future.
Meanwhile, Greg has begun to get calls about potential jobs after applying to a few positions last week. It's hard to say whether it was the thought of returning to the work force or the thought of wearing a helmet on another ninety degree bike ride that inspired him to bust out the razor and lose the locks. Regardless of the motivation, the result is an image of cool responsibility. So while we get back to the grind and reluctantly surrender the 'Last Summer of Our Lives as we Know It', we look back on the past couple months of memories as blessings that we will likely savor for the next eighteen years or so.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sweet Home Oregon
Greg has been catching up with the disc golf scene, timing our return just in time for the Eugene Celebration tournament. I have been reconnecting with my favorite people and places around town. A River walk at Mount Pisgah with Magda and our canine companions. An eventful Fall Creek hike with Magda, Heather and Ellyn. The Saturday Market with Jes. Hangin at the house with Katie. And a Bomb Blueberry Banana Breakfast with Candace.
It is fun to revel in the day to day details that have become novelties after being away for so long. Sleeping in our own bed. Walking to Sundance, the best market in town. Cooking breakfast. Watering house plants. Taking the bus downtown. Eating at Laughing Planet, Hideaway Bakery, The Sweet Life and other local favorites. Seeing this town with fresh eyes has made it feel more like home.
As we settle in to our routine we are preparing for all of the epic transitions our lives are about to undertake. I start school in three weeks. Greg will start a new job before he knows it. The baby belly will continue to grow... and grow...and grow... and then one day we'll wake up and be full fledged parents! And a little farther off, but still super fun to think about, is the Oregon wedding in the summer of 2010.
I will be using this blog as a place for me to reflect on all of these changes and stay in touch with all of you loved ones who are so far away. If there is one thing that I know after this summer it is that we are so blessed to have a love and suppport from our families and friends that goes way beyond geographic proximity.